Bluefish Details

Bluefish Source: Raver, Duane. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
  • Water Type: saltwater
  • Latin Name: Pomatomus saltatrix
  • Common Names: snapper, blue, jack
  • Water Temp: >65 degrees
  • World Record: 31 lbs, 12 ozs
  • Last Modified By: protacanthopterix on 10/06/11 07:59 AM
  • Ask about Bluefish in our forum


Baits and Tackle for Bluefish

Casting & Trolling Spoon Check Prices

  • Kastmaster w/ White Grub Body
  • bunker chunks
  • Blue/silver Castmaster with bucktail
  • Chunked mackerel. Fresh. Baitshop frozen doesn't make the cut here...
  • Pogy

Saltwater Fly Check Prices

  • Olive Flat wing deceiver, popper

Live Bait (Other) Check Prices

  • live eals
  • eel/1 oz weight
  • eel
  • Chucks of spot

Lure (Other) Check Prices

  • White Sassy shad
  • Swimming plug
  • Fished a Kast Master w/ 3in White Twister tail added
  • trolling a white unbrella rig from island to the red bouy. while trolling i threw medium size stick crank baits off the side and hooked up. i would make sure your hooks are strong we had a few straighten out and loss the fish
  • Sluggo but just to tell you get alot blue fish rip them up
  • Green umbrella rig and red umbrella rig... Trolled at 8-10 RPMs. 40-60 feet white knuckle head popper

Other Check Prices

  • any thing works chunkbait, live bait, sand worms, squid strips , lures
  • Live eel
  • Eels and squid
  • Chunked, frozen, garbage mackerel.
  • Fresh, caught that day, small mackerels. Steel leader, size 8 hook.

Topwater Bait Check Prices

  • cut bait ,top water popers.

Bluefish Description

The Bluefish is the only species in the family Pomatomidae. They are globally distributed and are commonly sought after in America, Spain, South Africa, and Australia.

Bluefish may be caught up to 51 inches long and weigh 32 lbs, but fish measuring 24 inches are more common. They typically live 9 years. They are a hard fighting salt water gamefish. Latin name 'saltatrix' means the leaper, in reference to the fact that when hooked bluefish will often take to the surface to try to shake free the hook.

They are voracious predators and will often chase prey species up onto beaches or against structure. Bluefish may be caught with bait or lure, but anglers must take precautions to protect line against their sharp teeth. Bluefish are such avid predators that at times when they are attacking schools of baitfish, they will eat their fill then, if there are still baitfish around, regurgitate their meal in order to be able to eat again. Look for flocks odf gulls overhead to indicate a school of hungry blues lurking below.

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